Monday, December 31, 2012

Day 60 Dalaguete, Cebu

Today I went back to Dalaguete to celebrate New Years. On the way, we stopped by an old church dedicated to the Mother Mary. It was pretty interesting because there were statues of Mary representing different cultures from all over the world: Africa, Asian, American, European, etc. (and of course Filipino). We also stopped by a nature preserve/zoo and saw different types of monkeys and other reptiles. The monkey's you gotta be careful around. I was trying to take a picture of one with my phone and it reached out and tried to grab it -- his hands actually wrapped around my phone but I pulled it back before he could get a good grip on it. Anyway, here's a picture from the zoo (sadly my camera battery was dead so I couldn't take any myself):


Distant relatives? Thanks Shila for the picture!

Here's some footage of New Years:

Here's what it sounds like:

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