Sunday, December 30, 2012

Day 59 Cebu City, Cebu

We didn't do much during the day. We went around an area of Cebu City called Colon, which has a lot of open air street side shops. My dad told me it's been dubbed the oldest street in Cebu and used to be the main are of Cebu City back when it was still a small town. The area is kind of dangerous because this is where the "snatchers" (basically pickpockets or thieves) like to "work" and is also where some black-market goods are bought and sold. Some of them are bold enough to rip necklaces off your neck if you forget to take off any valuables. There didn't seem to be a lot of tourists around this part of the city probably because it can be obvious if you're unable to blend in. Luckily, my family is Filipino so we blended in quite easily. Sadly, I don't have any pictures because it's not exactly a place you want to be waving a camera around.

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