Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Day 61 Oslob, Cebu

Today my cousins took my sister and I to Oslob so we could go whale watching. Whale watching here is a lot different from Oregon. Since the water is super warm, they offer three different ways you can go on the tour. The first is by boat. Not a motor boat, but a row boat. Here in the Philippines they're called bankas and use stabilizers on each side to keep it from flipping over. They also keep buckets with them so they can dump out excess water that gets in when large waves breech the side. The second type of tour is in the water. Hold on to the banka and you'll get to be in the water with the Whale Sharks. The last type of tour offered comes with a pair of flippers and a snorkel. Go nuts. Obviously there are rules and the first and most important one is that you don't touch the animals. Other than drawing a lot of tourists to Oslob, the Whale Sharks also draw a lot of attention from international scientist who wish to study the animals and keep them safe from poaching -- hence the no touching rule.

We did the tour from the boat so we could take pictures.

After that we went to visit some cousins and spent the say at their house.

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