Thursday, February 7, 2013

Day 98 Dalaguete, Cebu #DPC IVTT

I worked the AM shift today and floated between the ER and the floor. It was a pretty routine day. I administered meds via IVTT and prepared the med passes while on the floor and took vitals and helped with OPD's at the ER. It's nice working both the ER and the floor because you get to see how the team works as a unit to give treatment and medication accurately. It's the best feeling admitting someone from the ER and seeing them later at the ward reciving what they're supposed to be reciving -- and almost all of this is done without computers. The only thing they really use the computers for are printing recipiets. There's no electronic medication administration record or treatment administration record; just good old pen and paper.

Pamela also had a dance routine for her school today. Once a year the teachers get together and perform a traditional dance routine for the students in preparation for the annual town fiesta. While my sister was here Pamela asked her to come in as a guest speaker so my sister was able to hang out with her for a day. She told me how the students and teachers have a relationship that's more like uncle and aunt, niece and nephew. I've always been aware that Filipino's are close as a culture, but the way my sister described the schools brings further depth and understanding about that aspect of my culture. The first thing my sister noticed was how the teachers and students have a very relaxed sense of time. Start and end times for classes are not set on a strict schedule. Is it raining hard out? If yes, start class a little later. Is it uncomfortably hot and humid? End class a little bit earlier. Lunch breaks are also very relaxed. My sister said after the lunch period the students went back to the classroom and the teachers took their time discussing their day and their remaining lessons. It sounds disorganized but because the students view their teachers as extensions of their family, they treat them with the same respect they'd treat their relatives. My sister said that after the lunch break she was expecting Pamela to have to come into the classroom and get everyone settled, but when they came in everyone was in their proper spot waiting to learn.

Anyway, here's a picture from the dance routine.

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