Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Day 97 Dalaguete, Cebu 7 #DPC Wound Care

I worked the AM shift with Tim at the nurses station. The census was pretty low so I just helped out with vitals, prepped the med pass, and assisted with a wound dressing. As usual, I cleaned the wound with PVPI making sure to work from the inside out. The patient had been involved in a MVA and had some minor abrasions that needed cleaning and was being kept for observation to rule out the possibility of a head injury or opportunistic infection. 

The Dalaguete Fiesta will start in the next few days and I'm pretty excited to see what it's like to celebrate the fiesta in our town. I've already been to a bunch of other town's fiestas but Dalaguete's will be special mostly because I'v spent so much time here. It's been slowly filling up with vendors and the whole seems to have a buzz of excitement. The market, especially, has been super busy as families start buying ingredients for upcoming festivities. 

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