Saturday, January 26, 2013

Day 86 Cebu City, Cebu

I went to the city today to visit my Dad. He told me how he met this Spanish guy who was born and raised in the Philippines and works as an artists. Dad told me that every time he and Mom visit the Philippines, the Spanish guy and my dad smoke cigars together. Anyway, I was able to go to his house today and got to look at a bunch of his artwork and photographs.

He makes his own frames for paintings.
Aside from art, he also likes to restore old cars. This one looks
like it's been around for a while but he'll probably get around to
fixing it up at some point.

Dad told me he still uses old school equipment.
The tools in his garage are WWII era type tools
that were left over after the war.

He also has a collection of old antique trinkets.
The record in this picture is around 100 years

The bayonet, boots, and binoculars are US and
Japanese WWII antiques left over after the war.
The camera's are pretty old too, not quite sure
exactly how old though. The box looking like
camera, as Dad informed me, is a TLR (Twin
Lense Reflex) as opposed to the SLR's (Single
Lense Reflex).

A photography magazine from the 50s.
Original painting.

Original photograph.

Dad's Spanish friend (that's a younger version
of him in the black and white photo).

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