Friday, January 25, 2013

Day 85 Dalaguete Cebu #DPC Delivery Room, Suture Assist

I worked the NOC shift ER again. It was a fairly busy night. A lot of discharges had taken place the night before so the ward wasn't that busy either. Also, the two admitted to the ward last night were discharged (the head injury patient was ok and just needed to sober up, which is why he couldn't figure out the paperwork and the patient with the high blood pressure had stabilized and had been prescribed maintenance medication for hypertension).

When I came on duty I went directly to the delivery room because there was a birth in progress. By the time I got there, though, the baby had already been delivered, so I helped measure her and injected her with vitamin K.

After I got out of the delivery the doctor was performing a suture on a minor head wound. I assisted like before, by handing him instruments and soaking cotton balls with Providone-iodine so that he could cleanse areas as needed.

After that, the rest of the NOC shift was slow with no one else coming in.

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