Monday, January 7, 2013

Day 67 Dalaguete, Cebu #DPC Intradermal skin injection

Today I worked both the AM and PM shift (700-2300).

I spent the AM shift on the ward and it was the same routine as usual: help prep/pass medication and take vital signs.

During the PM shift I switched over to the ER and performed an intradermal skin injection to test for an allergic reaction. Later during the evening an adolescent came in with severe stomach pain. The doctor on duty gave a prognosis of appendicitis in less than five minutes. He asked the patient if he had pain or blood during urination, when the last bowel movement was, and if they had measured a fever (yes for the fever which was confirmed after doing vitals upon entry to the ER). The doctor then began to press down on his stomach in four different areas each time getting closer and closer to the appendix. As soon as he touched the appendix the patient displayed extreme pain and the doctor called for a referral to the city. While waiting for the ambulance, the patient was hooked to an IV, given ranitidine via IVTT, and paracetamol PO.

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