Thursday, December 20, 2012

Day 49 Dalaguete, Cebu #DPC Intradermal skin injection, nebulizer, ECG assist, IVTT

Today was a fairly busy night in the ER.

The first patient was an infant that came in with a 39.9 degrees Celsius fever (103.8 degrees Fahrenheit). The doctor order paracetamol PO and kept the infant in the ER for a few hours for observation. The medication reduced the infants fever so the doctor told them to come back tomorrow. Normally, the doctor would order a UA and have them wait for the results, but since it was after hours, the lab technician was already gone and wouldn't be back until tomorrow morning.   

The second patient to come in was an older gentlemen suffering from breathing problems. I administered three rounds of sulfate salbutamol via nebulizer at fifteen minute intervals after completion of each dose. The nurse hooked him to an IV and I injected hydrocortison and cefuroxime via IVTT. Prior to injecting the cefuroxime, I performed an intradermal injection skin test to confirm a negative allergic response to the antibiotic. After the injections, I helped hook him to to an ECG and prepared the printed readouts for the doctor to interpret.

I also prepped the delivery room but it turned out to be a false alarm and the patient didn't deliver that night.

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