Monday, December 17, 2012

Day 46 Dalaguete, Cebu #DPC Nebulizer, Intradermal Injection

I worked he night shift today at the ER. At 3:00AM a patient came in with difficulty breathing. O2 was administered immediately by the nurse at 5mL/min. The nurse went to fetch the doctor and delegated the initial vitals to me. The vitals upon entry were as follows:

HR 120
RR 40
T 36.6 Celsius

Before I could take the BP the doctor arrived and told me to wait until he had an initial prognosis. From what I could make out in Bisaya, the patient has known food allergies and has had respiratory problems before, but she didn't recall eating anything that might have set off an allergic reaction. The doctor order Salbutamol via nebulization; three doses given at fifteen minute intervals after the completion of each dose. He then asked me to take the BP during the first Salbutamol dose. I measured her BP at 110/70; by this time her RR had decreased significantly and she was taking deep controlled breathes. The nurse hooked her up to an IV and Cortisol was injected via IVTT to help reduce the bodies stress by acting as an upregulator in an anti-inflammatory pathway. Since the cause of the constricted breathing was unknown, the doctor also order an injection of Cefuroxime (also via IVTT) to combat an early possible bacterial infection. The nurse asked me to perform an intradermal skin test injection before introducing the full dose of Cefuroxime.

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