Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Day 40 Dalaguete, Cebu #DPC IVTT

When I arrived in Dalaguete the hospital had started their annual “Sports Fest.” There were four teams and every other week they had sports competitions: volleyball, badminton, a sack race, speed walking, and a 100 meter sprint. Today was the second to last day and my team was competing for third place in volleyball. We won third place! Anyway, now that it's over, all of us well go to Montalongon after the holiday's. I can't quite remember the name of the place, but apparently it's the highest point in Dalaguete. Ricky described how it's above the clouds so the saying is, if you spend the night up there, when you wake up it feels like you're dead – because all you can see are clouds. I'm not sure when the exact date is that we'll go up there, but I'm super excited about it and will definitely post lots of pictures. Anyway, I was back on the floor again and did the same routine: IVTT's, pass meds, take vitals, and record input and output. #

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