Sunday, December 9, 2012

Day 38 Dalaguete, Philippines #DPC Delivery, Sterile Procedures

Today I helped deliver another baby. This time the baby came out easily so the nurses were able to carry out the standard procedures post delivery. As soon as the baby was out, the midwife placed the baby on the mother's stomach allowing skin to skin contact. Skin to skin contact keeps the baby from developing hypothermia and helps the newborn bond with the mother. SOP here dictates that the baby stays on the mothers stomach until successfully breastfeeding for the first time. In this case, it took about thirty minutes. The baby was suckling at the air, and the midwife placed her as close to the mother's nipple as possible, allowing the baby to latch on herself. While this was going on, the doctor was stitching up the vaginal incision made during the delivery. During this delivery I sterilized the outside of the vagina with Iodine prior to suturing and prepared the delivery instruments using sterile techniques.

Other than the delivery, just OPD checkups for fevers.

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