Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Day 27 Dalaguete, Philippines #DPC IVTT

Daily routine:
  1. Vitals BID at 0800 and 1200 (or PRN per doctors orders).
  2. Load syringes for IVTT's
  3. Pass Medication at 0800, 1000, 1200, and 1400 (or PRN per doctors orders).
  4. Tube feeding at 1000 and 1300 (or PRN per doctors orders).
  5. Paperwork
Today there were two brownouts that lasted a total of about 2-3 hours. The patient who is in a persistent vegetative state is attached to a ventilator so as soon as the power went out me and one of the nurses had to run to the room and hook them up to a bag valve mask so the care taker in there could continue with manual respiration. Brownouts don't affect the ward as much as the ER because there are no computers here in the ward – all the paperwork is done by hand.

Anyway, other than the brownouts, just steps 1-5 today.

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